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A short summary of this paper. NTFS is the current file system used by Windows. It offers features like security permissions to limit other users' access to foldersquotas so one user can't fill up the diskshadowing backing up and many other features that help Windows.
VOIP - Short for Voice Over Internet Protocol, a category of hardware and software that enables people to use the Internet as the transmission medium for telephone calls by sending voice data in packets using IP rather than by traditional circuit transmissions. Loopback address is A proxy server is a computer that acts as a gateway between a local network e. Proxy servers provide increased performance and security. In some cases, they monitor employees' use of outside resources.
Antivirus: The prime job of an anivirus is protect your system from computer viruses. Your computer may be standalone or part of network or connected to Internet you need an antivirus program. It actively monitors when you are using your system for any virus threat from different sources. These attacks may not be virus type.
In some cases hackers can take control of your system remotely and steal your data or important information from system. If your system is directly connected to internet or a large network than you can install a software firewall in your PC to protect your self from unauthorized access.
Firewall is available either in software or in hardware form. For a single PC you may need a software firewall while a large corporate читать больше hardware firewall to protect all of their systems from such attacks.
Backend server: A back end server is a computer resource that has not посмотреть еще exposed to the internet. In this regard the computing resource does not directly interact with the internet user.
It can also be described as a server whose main function is to store and retrieve email messages. Frontend server: A frontend server is a computer resources that has exposed to the internet. This allows users to access resources by computer name instead of by IP address. If you want this computer to keep track of the names and IP addresses of other computers in your network, configure this computer as a WINS server. The Windows Registry, usually referred to as "the registry," is a collection of databases of configuration settings in Microsoft Windows windows download windows 10 free systems.
Windows XP includes a folder named System Volume Information on the root of each drive that remains hidden from view even when you windows administrator interview questions and answers pdf download free to show system files. It remains hidden because it is not a normally hidden folder you can say it is a Super Hidden Folder. Short form Master Boot Record, a small program that is executed when a computer boots up. The program begins the boot process by looking up the partition table to determine which partition to use for booting 13 What is Bit Locker.
BitLocker is an encryption feature available in Ultimate and Enterprise versions of Windows 7 and Vista, To encrypt an entire drive, simply right-click on the drive and select Turn on BitLocker from the context menu. IDE and SATA are different types windows administrator interview questions and answers pdf download free interfaces to connect storage devices like hard drives to a computer's system bus. For many years ATA provided the most common and the least expensive interface for this application.
This is a big deal in the Microsoft world for disaster recovery, high availability and more. VMware does this, too, but the vendor charges new licensees extra for the capability. Start Task manager, and select Windows administrator interview questions and answers pdf download free tab. In performance tab we windows administrator interview questions and answers pdf download free see system up time Method 2: By typing systeminfo in command prompt we can windows administrator interview questions and answers pdf download free out up time of your server In system boot time.
Although Server Manager is available in Windows Server R2 and Windows ServerServer Manager was updated in Windows Serverto support remote, multi-server management, and help increase the number of servers an administrator can manage. First the computer looks up the destination host. If it exists in local DNS cache, it uses that information. If it finds references to external resources, such as pictures, css files, javascript files, these are is delivered the same way as the HTML document itself.
DHCP operates on a client server model in four phases. At this point the IP configuration process is complete. UDP protocol and 67 port in client and 68 port in server. A typical server allows its administrator to set the lease time. Discover, Offer, request and acknowledgement. If a /7673.txt server is to operate within an Active Directory domain and is not running on a domain controller it must first be authorized to Active directory.
You may want to backup your DHCP server from time to time to prepare for disaster recovery scenarios or when migrating DHCP server role to a new hardware. Right click server name, choose Backup. Right Страница server name, choose Restore 3. Choose the location of the backup, click OK 4. Because domain names are alphabetic, they're easier to remember.
Two types of lookup in DNS. Forward lookup : it converts Domain name to ip address. Reverse lookup: it converts ip address to Domain name. Three types of zone. Primary zone secandary zone and stub zone.
Why it is used. Its an active directory protocal ,Basically, it's a protocol used to access data from a database 2 What is Active Directory? Why it used. Active Directory is a Directory Service created by Microsoft. It is included with most Windows Server operating systems.
Active Directory is primarily used to store directory objects like users and groups and computers printers. Using Active Directory brings a number of advantages to your network, Centralized user account management Centralized policy management group policy Better security management 3 What Is Group Policy. Windows administrator interview questions and answers pdf download free Policy is a feature of the Microsoft Windows NT family of operating systems that control the working environment of user accounts and computer accounts.
Group Policy provides the centralized management and configuration of operating systems, applications, and users' settings in an Active Directory environment. Assign Users : The software application is advertised when the user logs on. It is installed when the user clicks on the software application icon via the start menu, or accesses a file that has been associated with the software application. Assign Computers :The software application is advertised and installed when it is safe to do so, s uch as when the computer is next restarted.
Publish to users : The software application does not appear on the start menu or desktop. This means the user may not know that the software is available. Published applications do not reinstall themselves in the event of accidental deletion, and it is not possible to publish to computers.
It is used to log on to the computer when Active Directory has failed or needs to be restored. Timing can be tricky; if the Windows logo appears you waited too long. A text menu menu will appear. Then press the Enter key. What other folders are related to AD? To Install Microsoft Active Directory: Ensure that you log on to the computer with an administrator account to perform installation. In the Welcome page, click Next. In the Operating system compatibility panel, click Next.
This name will be used during Tivoli Provisioning Manager installation, so make a note of it. Click Next. The first part of the DNS name is usually sufficient. On the Database and Logs panel, select the desired folders for the Database and Logs.
On the Shared System Volume panel, по этому адресу a valid directory for the system volume. Click Next to continue. If you configured DNS successfully, the Permissions setting panel is displayed. Select Permissions compatible only with Windows or Windows Server The windows administrator interview questions and answers pdf download free will be rebooted as part of the process.
Global groups provide access to resources in other trusted domains. Universal groups grant access to resoures in all trusted domains.
Adding one group as a member of another group is called 'group nesting'. This will help for easy administration and reduced replication traffic 19 What is Domain control?
Windows administrator interview questions and answers pdf download free. Windows Administrator L2 Interview Question - System Administrator
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